Jessiel lives with his father and three siblings, having recently reunited with his dad after two years of separation. Known for his charisma and optimism, Jessiel is an outgoing and respectful kid. Jessiel and his siblings went through a difficult time in their home country due to poverty. Despite the difficulties they faced, Jessiel maintained a positive outlook, bringing joy to those around him.
Church World Services - Montclair requests this wish for Jessiel.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Shanna grants the wish for Jessiel! Thanks Shanna.
"Dear Jessiel, Your wish-ad said you were not used to cold weather. Neither am I, really, and this year is unusually cold in some places! I hope you're able to get some good clothes, maybe some fleece-lined sweatpants or a good coat if you don't have one. Maybe you can even go outside and make a snowman! :) "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Church World Services - Montclair for Jessiel.