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A mountain bike for Ethan to get back and forth to work

Posted Jan 21, 2025
Ethan is currently grappling with the difficulties of commuting to work, which can be quite a challenge. His journey usually spans between 45 minutes to an hour, and the duration often fluctuates based on unpredictable weather conditions. As he diligently saves money with the goal of purchasing a car, he can't shake the notion that having a bike would significantly improve his situation in the meantime. With a bike, he could avoid the discomfort of walking in the biting cold, transforming his daily commute into a more manageable and pleasant experience. The fresh air and freedom of cycling would not only save him time but also add a sense of enjoyment to his travels.

Ethan is 20 years old and lives in NM

Ethan, who recently left tribal foster care as a youth, is growing into a fine young man. Ethan is very close to his four siblings who are still in custody. Ethan is a good-hearted young guy who puts the needs of others before his own. Ethan takes his education seriously and is in a dual educational program with the local university. Ethan is a natural athlete who enjoys running track. and traveling to his track meets. This is Ethan's senior year and is looking forward to his next adventure in life.