Romelia became a mother at a young age, but it was this experience that inspired her to achieve greatness. Romelia has been on her own since she was fourteen years old, but she has worked hard to finish high school and care for her son. She graduated from high school this year after growing up in foster care and being a young mother. Romelia has been accepted to a few of the colleges in New Mexico and is excited about her new journey. Romelia is undecided about her potential career path because she is torn between pursuing architecture and culinary arts. In her spare time she enjoys pastel oils, writing, and playing with her son.
NM CYFD - McKinley County requests this wish for Romelia.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Ronald grants the wish for Romelia! Thanks Ronald.
"Starring at a spinning wheel on a computer screen is no fun! Hopefully this new computer can get your education back on track with far less anxiety! Take care and stay safe as you focus on your education!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NM CYFD - McKinley County for Romelia.