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Call of Duty for Donovan to play with his friends

Posted Jan 23, 2025
Donovan is eager to get his hands on Call of Duty: Vanguard, and it's all he and his friends seem to talk about these days. Since he has never had his own gaming system, he has been making the most of his time by playing with friends or watching them enjoy the game. The platform for this game is digital only, so giving him a gift card would provide him with the opportunity to purchase the game he desires. This gift would not only allow him to play alongside his peers but also help him form the social connections he craves.

Donovan is 17 years old and lives in MO

Donovan is an active and determined young man who is social and outgoing. He enjoys spending time with his friends and family. Despite having faced numerous challenges, he is making progress, although he still needs to work through some trauma from his past. Overall, he is doing well and continues to grow as an individual. Donovan has big dreams of overcoming his life experiences and is just beginning to navigate adulthood, which will require guidance and support along the way. He has a great caregiver who has a lot of faith in his abilities. Additionally, he is a wonderful brother and a valuable help around the house. Donovan is in foster care.