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Toy storage bin for Robert who shares space with his siblings

Posted Jan 24, 2025
Robert is sharing a new space with his siblings in foster care, which has been a challenge as he is very particular about his things. He wants his own storage bins to keep his own items. He likes organization, and he loves to have things in a specific location. This gives him the peace of mind that his items are accounted for and protected. It's also his way of making sure that nothing gets lost in the busy household. The things that he's gotten to keep with him after being uprooted are very important so this toy organizer that will be just his would be a special gift for him.

Robert is 12 years old and lives in MO

Robert is an introverted child who is typically shy, but he eventually comes out of his shell and loves to crack jokes. He enjoys being the funniest person in the room, and he always tries his best to make others laugh. Robert is also very creative; he loves art and enjoys making things with his hands. His interests include anime, video games, and math! He cherishes the time spent with his brothers, as they support each other during their time in foster care and keep each other’s spirits high. He is truly an amazing and special kid!