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Storage hammock for Malachi to keep his stuffies of his bed

Posted Jan 24, 2025
Malachi insists on keeping all his stuffed animals in his bed, which doesn’t leave him much room to sleep comfortably. He would love having a stuffed animal hammock that would provide a safe and organized way to store his stuffed animals when they’re not being used. Malachi and his siblings enjoy pretending to play with the animals, so his collection continues to grow, along with his affection for each one. These toys are special to him and deserve a designated place to stay. Additionally, having a hammock just for Malachi's stuffed animals would make him feel good to have his collection separate from his siblings.

Malachi is 11 years old and lives in MO

Malachi is a cheerful and outgoing young boy in foster care. He has a particular fondness for playing with vehicles, especially large ones like semi-trucks. He enjoys racing his cars and using them in pretend play. Malachi has an incredible sense of humor and loves telling jokes. One of his favorite activities is checking out joke books from the library to share with his siblings when he returns home. He enjoys being the life of the party and knows how to lift people’s spirits. With his amazing smile and contagious laugh, he easily engages in conversations, often encouraging his more shy and reserved siblings to come out of their shells. Malachi is kind and compassionate, genuinely caring about others. Always seeking adventure, he takes on the role of leader in various activities.

The Wish Story

Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association requests this wish for Malachi.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Malachi! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association for Malachi.

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