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Laptop for Chrysta who is seeking a higher education

Posted Jan 24, 2025
Chrysta, who prefers to go by Maecyn, is eager to pursue higher education and is filled with excitement about the future. Currently residing in a residential facility, they have the privilege of using their personal computer to further their educational aspirations. The transition away from home was challenging for Maecyn, who faced various mental health struggles while completing high school. Initially, there were doubts about their ability to graduate, but with the unwavering support of the faculty, Maecyn successfully earned their diploma. Now, Maecyn is focused on taking online courses to immerse themselves in the world of higher education, and having a personal laptop would greatly aid in this journey. Additionally, they plan to seek employment opportunities, and a laptop would be invaluable for submitting job applications and exploring new avenues. With determination and support, Maecyn is on the path to a promising future.

Chrysta is 20 years old and lives in MO

Maecyn, who prefers to be called by this name rather than Chrysta, is a young person who has recently begun to focus on themselves and their future. They have a passion for arts and crafts and are quite artistic. Maecyn also enjoys reading as a way to relax and unwind. They love spending time in the library area of the residential facility where they live. Leaving their home was challenging for Maecyn, as they faced numerous mental health challenges while trying to manage school. However, they are absolutely looking forward to the future, excited to explore higher education and eager for what lies ahead.

The Wish Story

Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association requests this wish for Chrysta.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Dameon's Legacy Fund grants the wish for Chrysta! Thanks Dameon's Legacy Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association for Chrysta.

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