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About This Wish

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Some clothes for Stone to show off his style

Posted Jan 24, 2025
Stone is currently outgrowing all his clothing and is eager for the chance to go shopping for a new wardrobe. He looks forward to trying on and selecting the perfect clothes that make him feel comfortable. Right now, he often has to wear oversized hoodies because his shirts don't always fit. This shopping trip will provide the perfect opportunity for him to find clothes that fit him well and suit his style.

Stone is 10 years old and lives in CA

Stone is a smart and caring young man who is in the foster care system. He lives with his older sister and continues to be the rock of the family. Stone has a great sense of humor and can make anyone smile and feel included. He loves to make friends wherever he goes, especially at school. He is also a straight-A student who enjoys science and math. In addition, Stone plays sports and is the captain of his basketball team outside of school. He describes basketball as his escape from reality, helping him relax and feel happy. Stone expresses his deep love and appreciation for his big sister. His dream is to be as strong as she is and to become a scientist who helps people.

The Wish Story

Penny Lane Centers requests this wish for Stone.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jennifer grants the wish for Stone! Thanks Jennifer.

"Stone, I hope you have fun shopping for some new clothes, and you get some that help you feel awesome. with love, Jen"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Penny Lane Centers for Stone.

Penny Lane Centers receives the wish!

"Stone got the chance to pick out his own clothes, he couldn't have been happier. He wants to say thank you for this amazing gift. "

Stone receives the wish from Penny Lane Centers

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