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An Apple Watch Te niya to utilize its GPS capability

Posted Jan 28, 2025
Teniya is in need of an Apple Watch to utilize its GPS capabilities for navigating to various locations. Currently, she lacks any tools to assist her in finding addresses, which makes it difficult for her to reach places like doctors' appointments and the dentist. The GPS functionality would be especially helpful if she ever gets lost. Despite working full-time, Teniya finds it challenging to make ends meet as the cost of living has skyrocketed, leaving her with little more than her paycheck to cover rent and bills. This watch would provide her with the necessary support to manage her appointments and navigate her day-to-day life more effectively.

Te niya is 20 years old and lives in CA

Teniya is an amazing young woman who has experienced life in foster care. She is starting her general education classes in college while exploring her career options. Teniya supports herself by working full-time.