Shane was given up for adoption at birth and was adopted by a family acquaintance. Unfortunately, he experienced abuse from his adoptive mother at a young age, but this was not discovered until he started attending school. Fortunately, his new foster mother takes wonderful care of him, and he is now thriving. Shane is silly, smart, and curious about the world. He also loves arts and crafts and hopes to become an engineer one day.
CASA NJ - Essex County requests this wish for Shane.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
OSW Social grants the wish for Shane! Thanks OSW Social.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA NJ - Essex County for Shane.
CASA NJ - Essex County receives the wish!
"Thank you so much! Shane is going to be so excited when he opens his gift!!!"
Shane receives the wish from CASA NJ - Essex County