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A little buzzy ice pack for Stanley to ease his pain during weekly infusions

Posted Jan 28, 2025
Stanley has recently been diagnosed with a new medical issue that requires him to undergo weekly infusions to support his immune system. Fortunately, he’s able to do these infusions at home, but there's one big hurdle: Stanley has a strong aversion to needles. To ease his anxiety, his family has introduced a buzzing ice pack that has proven helpful during his clinic visits. They are hopeful that this little device will make the home infusion process less daunting for him, ensuring that it isn’t a traumatizing experience.

Stanley is 3 years old and lives in OH

Stanley is a sweet, loving little boy with big eyes. He loves to clap along to the antics of his older siblings and really loves to eat any food that is offered to him. He had some bumps in the road his first year of life, but is now surrounded by love. He lives in the home of his great aunt.

The Wish Story

Therapeutic Interagency Program requests this wish for Stanley.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Lisa grants the wish for Stanley! Thanks Lisa.

"I hope that you find comfort with the buzzing ice pack. Best wishes!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Therapeutic Interagency Program for Stanley.

Therapeutic Interagency Program receives the wish!

"THank you! Stanley will be so happy to have this little buzzy distraction for his infusions."

Stanley receives the wish from Therapeutic Interagency Program

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