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Mini fridge for Marcela who lives in a communal area with other foster youth

Posted Jan 29, 2025
Marcela lives in a communal area with other foster youth and has a strong desire for a mini fridge in her own personal space. She feels that having a separate area for her drinks and belongings would provide her with the comfort and privacy she craves. After working hard throughout the day, Marcela looks forward to coming home, relaxing, and enjoying her soft drinks and snacks. This personal retreat would allow her to unwind and recharge in her own way, giving her a sense of ownership over her environment. With a mini fridge, she imagines stocking her favorite beverages and treats, creating a little sanctuary where she can indulge in moments of solitude. It would not only help her feel more at home but also provide a comforting space that feels uniquely hers amidst the shared living arrangements.

Marcela is 20 years old and lives in CA

Marcela has spent nearly her entire life in the foster care system after being abandoned by her parents, who have never contacted her since. Despite facing the challenges of growing up without family, she has worked diligently to advocate for herself. Juggling a job while going to college, Marcela actively engages with community resources and support systems. Her resilience is truly inspiring; though she has endured numerous hardships, she remains cheerful and optimistic. Marcela is not only hilarious and bright, but also incredibly kind. Through all the pain she has experienced, she continues to smile, embodying strength and positivity.

The Wish Story

CASA CA - San Francisco County requests this wish for Marcela.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW Social grants the wish for Marcela! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA CA - San Francisco County for Marcela.

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