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New clothes for Jazira to replace worn out clothing

Posted Jan 29, 2025
Jazira is currently being raised by her sister, who is pregnant and had to take maternity leave earlier than planned. As a result, their financial situation has become quite tight. Jazira recently lost her job at a restaurant due to a decline in business and has been struggling to find new employment since then. Given these challenges, she is in urgent need of some essential clothing items. To help meet this need, Jazira is seeking a gift card, which would allow her to purchase the items necessary for her well-being. This is wish 2 of 2.

Jazira is 17 years old and lives in WA

Jazira enjoys to bake and cook, and she is considering going into the culinary arts after high school. Jazira loves to hang out with her friends. Jazira likes to go to the beach or the river. Jazira collects Native American art. Jazira is very proud of her culture.