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A perfume set for Aaliyah who wants to try a fancy fragrance

Posted Jan 31, 2025
Aaliyah is finally on the verge of being adopted after spending years in and out of care since she was twelve. Her new family is incredibly excited to welcome her as a permanent member of their home. Aaliyah has expressed a desire to try some fancy perfumes, asking if she could sample a few as part of her adoption gifts. While her foster parents plan to purchase some smaller items to celebrate this special occasion, they regretfully cannot afford the more extravagant gifts for Aaliyah. Nonetheless, the excitement of this new chapter in her life is shining brightly for them all.

Aaliyah is 17 years old and lives in NE

Aaliyah has always had a very big personality and loves to make people laugh. She enjoys drinking coffee and taking naps. Aaliyah owns a pet gecko and loves to carry him around the foster home. One of Aaliyah's biggest strengths is how loyal she is to those she cares about. She has been in and out of foster care for almost two years and is hoping to find permanency with her current foster placement.