Isaiah entered foster care at the age of 11 and was adopted when he turned 17. While adoption provided him with a permanent family, it didn't erase the challenges he faced in transitioning to adulthood. Isaiah has been exploring his options for both college and employment, which has presented some difficulties, particularly with the enrollment process. However, he recently began attending college and is thriving academically. His remarkable strengths in memory and comprehension have greatly contributed to his success in his classes, helping him to navigate this new chapter in his life.
A Greater Hope requests this wish for Isaiah.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Isaiah! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Hi Isaiah! Congratulations on your new job and first apartment. I had someone give me their futon when I was your age so I'm happy to be able to pay it forward. I hope you sleep well from now on and keep posting wishes. We love to help!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the A Greater Hope for Isaiah.