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A tablet for Naomy to play games on

Posted Feb 4, 2025
Naomy loves spending time with her siblings, and they enjoy playing together with various toys. However, as they have grown older, their interests have shifted more towards electronics and video games. Currently, Naomy has to share a single tablet with her two siblings, but she finds this challenging, especially since her older sister isn’t very willing to share. Naomy dreams of having her own tablet, which would allow her to play Roblox with her siblings without any hassle. If they each had their own devices, they could all enjoy playing together while still having individual gaming experiences.

Naomy is 7 years old and lives in NE

Naomy is a very caring and kind girl currently living with her grandparents, alongside her seven siblings. Over the past couple of years, she has faced many challenges, but being able to stay with her siblings has provided her with significant support. Naomy loves to play games with her siblings and is respectful and loving toward those around her. Despite missing her life before entering foster care, she has shown resilience and strength throughout her journey. Naomy sparks up a conversation with anybody that will listen to her, and she loves to make others smile.

The Wish Story

Jenda Foster Care requests this wish for Naomy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Melissa grants the wish for Naomy! Thanks Melissa.

"Hi Naomy I hope this tablet means you get to play a lot of Roblox and have fun doing so with your siblings! Sending hugs, Melissa"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jenda Foster Care for Naomy.

Jenda Foster Care receives the wish!

"Thank you so much for this gift! She is absolutely loving it. "

Naomy receives the wish from Jenda Foster Care

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