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Clothing rack for Nicole to be more organized

Posted Feb 3, 2025
Nicole has recently moved into an apartment through an independent living program. As she navigates this transition, she has encountered challenges with staying organized. To help her create a tidy and functional bedroom, Nicole would benefit from having a clothing rack. This addition would provide her clothes with a designated space, promoting a neat living environment. A more organized space can significantly contribute to her emotional well-being and stability during this important phase of her life.

Nicole is 20 years old and lives in NJ

Nicole is currently living in an independent living program for homeless young adults. She continues to strive to achieve her goals in the program. Nicole loves to draw and would like to return to school to be an art therapist one day. Nicole loves art and has a passion for painting! Her canvases are beautiful! She is learning every day how to live independently in hopes of securing housing when she ages out of the program.