Joey is a motivated and optimistic young man who has been through many hardships in his life. Joey has made great progress in every area of his life and is now on a path to success. Joey enjoys school and does very well. He enjoys getting to spend time outside and loves to play all different kinds of sports. Joey has spent much of his life in foster care and has spent most of those years separated from either all or most of his siblings. Joey loves that he is able to connect with his siblings through video games and his cell phone because he cares very much about their well-being, because he is the oldest of all of them and is a very responsible older brother.
The Buckeye Ranch requests this wish for Joey.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Joey! Thanks Awesome Human.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Joey.
The Buckeye Ranch receives the wish!
"Thank you so much for thinking of Jose! He's really excited to have the ability to call and text his siblings and to be able to use his phone to contact his foster parents when he's out in the community and wifi isn't available! "
Joey receives the wish from The Buckeye Ranch