Sabastian is an intelligent and analytical young man who has navigated the challenges of foster care over the years. His curious nature drives him to explore a wide range of interests, making him a true jack of all trades. From playing music and creating art to working on cars, Sabastian loves to tinker with technology and embrace new experiences. As he approaches graduation from high school, he finds himself uncertain about his future career path. However, he has expressed a keen interest in pursuing work related to cars or a career in technology, showcasing his diverse talents and passions.
NE DHHS - Dodge County requests this wish for Sabastian.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Melody grants the wish for Sabastian! Thanks Melody.
"I hope you enjoy your gift."
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NE DHHS - Dodge County for Sabastian.