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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Shopping Spree for Korbin to purchase everything he has ever dreamed of

Posted Feb 7, 2025
Korbin has been in care for six months, and during this time, he has shown a heart as big as the moon. Having experienced homelessness, there are several items he has only dreamed of owning. Now we get to make those dreams reality!

Korbin is 16 years old and lives in MO

Korbin came into care by going to the sheriff's office himself to ask for help. He and his mom were homeless, and he had missed a year of school. Korbin shared that he and his mom had been couch surfing; wherever they stayed, the hosts would eventually tire of them and ask them to leave. They had a tent to stay in as well. Korbin's mom has issues with drugs whenever she can obtain them. Korbin has now been in care for six months, during which time his mom has only contacted him by phone. He is back in school and receiving good care. Korbin has big goals for his future and aspires to become a social worker. He wants to help kids like him because he understands their struggles. Korbin is a very loving child, and anyone would be lucky to know him.

The Wish Story

OSW Social grants the wish for Korbin! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MO DSS Children's Division - Clark County for Korbin.

MO DSS Children's Division - Clark County receives the wish!

"He started to cry, as did I.. He said “thank you for all those that heard my story!”, I promise to pay it forward when I can. He asked if we can just get an Amazon card so he can just shop on line"

Korbin receives the wish from MO DSS Children's Division - Clark County

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