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About This Wish

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Driving school for Deacon who wants to get a driver's license

Posted Feb 26, 2025
Deacon works really hard and did great last semester, earning all A's while being involved in school activities. He has big dreams for the future, wanting to graduate from college and have a successful career. One of his goals is to get his driver's license so he can be more independent and reach his full potential. This wish will provide him with driving lessons so that he can ace the test and get on the road.

Deacon is 15 years old and lives in CA

Deacon is an incredible young man who is currently in foster care. He has a great relationship with his resource parents and enjoys discussing his future with them. Deacon has aspirations of joining the Navy and building a successful career. He also loves playing video games and takes every opportunity he gets to enjoy them.

The Wish Story

A Greater Hope requests this wish for Deacon.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Shannon grants the wish for Deacon! Thanks Shannon.

"Deacon, Keep up the amazing great work in school and your activities! Drive safe! "

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