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Driving school for Alirah who has big dreams for her future

Posted Feb 26, 2025
Alirah has always dreamed of learning to drive, but the cost is a bit of a barrier for her. Fortunately, her foster parent is supportive and ready to help her obtain her driver’s license, although Alirah knows she will still need to take some formal driving classes. As a dedicated student who works hard in school, Alirah is determined to achieve her goals. With dreams of becoming an attorney one day, she believes that getting her driver's license will pave the way to reaching her goals.

Alirah is 16 years old and lives in CA

Alirah is in foster care and facing a lot of uncertainty. Even though things are tough, she's trying her best to deal with it. She’s really kind and thoughtful and makes great friends with the other kids in her foster home. Alirah loves animals too; she had a special dog growing up that made her really happy. Through everything, Alirah's caring spirit shines bright.