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A Laptop for Braydon to help with work education and organization

Posted Feb 12, 2025
Braydon is really hoping to get a laptop so he can more easily look for and apply for jobs online. Right now, all he has is his cell phone, which makes it tough to handle the bigger tasks that come with job hunting. A laptop would give him a better platform for applications and help him communicate with potential employers much more effectively. Having a laptop would also open up access to important online resources, like career development websites and educational tools that are essential for his growth. It would make it easier for him to organize his tasks and schedules, which is really important as he makes this transition into adulthood. With a laptop, he could use more advanced software and applications to get ready for interviews, create professional documents, and keep track of important deadlines. All of this would help him gain the skills he needs for his future.

Braydon is 19 years old and lives in OR

Braydon is a kind and thoughtful individual who enjoys playing basketball and video games with his friends. Currently, he is in between jobs but is eager to find work at a grocery store to establish a stable income and save towards purchasing a car. Having spent several years in DHS custody, Braydon has been placed in both foster homes and youth residential treatment facilities. Now, he is living with a roommate in a semi-independent living program. With his hard-working attitude and determination, Braydon is looking forward to having the opportunity and resources to build a fulfilling life for himself.

The Wish Story

New Narrative - Compass Rose Program requests this wish for Braydon.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Braydon! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the New Narrative - Compass Rose Program for Braydon.

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