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A Surprise Birthday Treat for Rylan

Posted Feb 19, 2025
There is no better feeling than being celebrated on your birthday! This wish will provide Rylan with an extra surprise to open on their special day. Although their celebrations may look different this year, it will remind them that they are valued and remembered on this important occasion!

Rylan is 8 years old and lives in PA

Rylan is a ball full of energy! She recently entered foster care and is in a kinship placement. She’s happy that she didn’t have to move far or leave her friends. She loved to be outside and will spend hours down by the stream collecting insects. Her favorite class at school is science. When she grows up she wants to be a vet.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Rebecca grants the wish for Rylan! Thanks Rebecca.

"Happy birthday, Rylan! My name starts with an R, too! :) I hope you have a very special day and that you remember that so many people care about you and want to help you succeed in your goals! <3 Rebecca"

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