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A Playstation for Nicolas to play while recovering from his injury

Posted Feb 21, 2025
Nicolas experienced a violent and traumatic event one week ago, which resulted in his hospitalization in critical condition. He is in a wheelchair after surgery and has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Nicolas is now recovering at home but is facing severe traumatic symptoms that prevent him from attending school. Although he is surrounded by supportive services, his one wish is to have a PS4 gaming console. It would help occupy his time and allow him to connect with friends during his long recovery at home.

Nicolas is 10 years old and lives in FL

Nicolas enjoys playing basketball with his four brothers. He is kind and well-liked by his classmates and peers. Very active and helpful to his mother, Nicolas also excels in school. Despite having faced some challenges with homelessness, he and his family are successfully overcoming this adversity and moving into permanent housing.