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A Nintendo Switch for Landon to connect with his friends

Posted Feb 21, 2025
Landon loves playing handheld games. Since his mother passed away and he moved into foster care, he feels sad remembering the fun times they had playing games together. He really wants a Nintendo Switch because it would help him connect with friends and enjoy new adventures. One of his favorite games is Madden, which brings back happy memories.

Landon is 15 years old and lives in LA

Landon is an amazing young man who is currently living in a foster home after losing his mom. Though he misses his mom, he still remains positive and hopeful. His favorite subjects are arts and science. He is very helpful around the home with chores and dinner. He is known for his affectionate smile and being well-mannered.

The Wish Story

Helen's Hope Residential Care requests this wish for Landon.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Target Circle grants the wish for Landon! Thanks Target Circle.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Helen's Hope Residential Care for Landon.

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