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A desk for Natalia to complete her homework in her room

Posted Feb 21, 2025
Natalia really wishes for a desk where she can comfortably do her homework in her room. She has a lot of schoolwork to handle, especially with her college courses, and wants a quiet space away from the younger kids in her home to help her focus. Natalia is a straight-A student who loves learning new things every day. She often does her homework at school or on the bus before volleyball games, but having a desk would help her feel more confident and relaxed about her studies.

Natalia is 16 years old and lives in CA

Natalia is currently a foster child who is living with her grandmother. Natalia is a hard worker in school and always strives to do good in all her classes. She is looking forward to starting school again to see her friends and to start her new classes for the year. Natalia enjoys reading, music, and volleyball. She is currently the team captain for her school's volleyball team. Natalia also enjoys baking with her grandmother when they have free time together. Natalia's dream is to attend her dream college and play for their volleyball team.

The Wish Story

Penny Lane Centers requests this wish for Natalia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kaplan Foundation grants the wish for Natalia! Thanks Kaplan Foundation.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Penny Lane Centers for Natalia.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Penny Lane Centers for Natalia.

"Natalia is so happy that she got the chance of getting her desk for her schoolwork. She wants to say thank you for making her wish come true. "

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