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A heated hoodie for Ve-Onsia to stay warm on her walks across campus

Posted Feb 21, 2025
Ve-Onsia would appreciate having this heated hoodie to stay warm during the cold winter months, especially since she doesn’t like wearing jackets. With classes rarely canceled and no other mode of transportation, she walks everywhere, making warmth and comfort essential. This hoodie would help her get through the season, keeping warm on the go. It would mean so much to her to have this during her daily walks to class and beyond.

Ve-Onsia is 21 years old and lives in PA

Ve-Onsia (Ve) was in the STARS program at Kutztown University when her mom abandoned her. She was later accepted into the PROFS program, which provided her with a college home, a meal plan, and a support system. Ve is dedicated to her education as she is enrolled in the criminal justice program. In her free time, Ve likes to train her dog, create art, and play games.

The Wish Story

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania requests this wish for Ve-Onsia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Ve-Onsia! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kutztown University of Pennsylvania for Ve-Onsia.

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