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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A cool Spider-Man helmet for Zee to be safe while he rides his bike

Posted Feb 24, 2025
Zee is very excited to learn how to ride his new Spiderman bike, but he needs a bike helmet to keep him safe while he practices. Since Zee loves Spiderman, he would be thrilled to receive a matching helmet to wear while he rides. This helmet will help Zee develop important safety habits as he learns to ride, and he'll look stylish while doing it!

Zee is 4 years old and lives in OH

Zee was placed in foster care with one of his sisters. He loves to be active and spends as much time as possible playing outside. Zee is very intelligent and enjoys going to school. He has a passion for learning and loves to teach his little sister all the new things he discovers. Despite everything he has experienced in his short life, Zee maintains a positive outlook, and his optimistic attitude will undoubtedly help him navigate this challenging journey ahead!

The Wish Story

The Buckeye Ranch requests this wish for Zee.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Zee! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Have fun riding!! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Zee.

The Buckeye Ranch receives the wish!

"Thank you so much for granting this wish for Zee! He's going to be ecstatic to receive this to wear when he rides the new Spider-Man bike that he's going to be getting for his upcoming birthday!"

Zee receives the wish from The Buckeye Ranch

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