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Sound machine and light for Zy'eir to feel comforted at night

Posted Feb 26, 2025
Zy'eir has trouble sleeping at night and often wakes up. This device combines a sound machine, night light, and storyteller, and will help him feel comfortable as he falls asleep. It would also make it easier for him to relax if he wakes up during the night. If Zy’eir gets enough rest, he’ll feel more energized and ready for a great day!

Zy'eir is 3 years old and lives in OH

Zy'eir is so sweet and loves snuggles. He has such a beautiful smile and is so fun to be around. Zy'eir has faced a significant amount of trauma in his little life so far. When with his mother, he experienced neglect and was living in an unsafe environment. He is now in a safe, loving home with his twin sister and brother. He is receiving help reaching his developmental milestones and meeting all his needs. Zy'eir is such a happy boy and is a joy to be around.