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Clothes for Carson to start fresh in his new foster placement

Posted Feb 26, 2025
Carson is doing great and has recently moved back in with his previous foster mother. He has also grown physically, measuring about 4.5 inches taller in the last three months! Many of his belongings were left at his last placement, so he needs new clothes for this fresh start. He requires shirts, pants, socks, underwear, and other essentials. He is hoping to shop for athletic wear, jeans, and additional items he needs. This wish has been split so that Carson can get what he needs. This is wish 2 of 2.

Carson is 16 years old and lives in OH

Carson is in foster care and has been through a lot since he was young, which makes him a bit quiet and hesitant to ask for help. However, he’s a really caring person who pays close attention to how others feel. He often thinks about other people’s feelings before his own. Carson loves playing video games and chatting about current events with adults.

The Wish Story

Dahlia grants the wish for Carson! Thanks Dahlia.

"Sounds like you've been doing some major growing, Carson! Hope you find some great new clothes!"

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