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An outdoor trampoline for Bryson to work through his feelings

Posted Feb 28, 2025
Bryson is learning to cope with his feelings after experiencing some tough times. He is working with a team to process the trauma of witnessing his mother's death. He enjoys playing and being active, which also helps him feel better and manage his energy. Having a trampoline would be a great way for him to have fun, relax, and work through his emotions.

Bryson is 3 years old and lives in FL

Bryson is a lovable and energetic boy who has been through a lot. After witnessing the tragic loss of his mother, he and his two siblings were adopted by a family member. Bryson enjoys attending preschool, playing sports, pretending to be Spiderman, and spending time with his friends. He loves being outside, running, and swinging on the playground. However, he often suffers from night terrors, which result in limited sleep. His family is working together to help him learn to self-regulate his energy and emotions so that he can thrive in preschool.

The Wish Story

Directions for Living requests this wish for Bryson.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Bryson! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi, Bryson! My sister LOVED the trampoline my parents gave her when she was little! She turned into quite the gymnast. Perhaps you will become one, too, if that's something that you would like to be. In any event, trampolines are so much fun! I hope you enjoy yours and that it's a blessing to you and your siblings as my sister's was to me and mine growing up. Lots of love to you and your family! :-)"

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