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About This Wish

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A winter shawl for Raven to wear over her Cinderella prom dress

Posted Mar 3, 2025
Raven is excited to attend the prom next month, which has a theme of princesses and fairy tales. She has chosen to dress as Cinderella and is absolutely thrilled about it. To complete her costume, she wants a white shawl to drape over her dress, similar to the one Cinderella wore in the live-action movie. This addition would make her costume feel even more magical and authentic.

Raven is 18 years old and lives in FL

Raven has been in the foster care system for a while. After being removed from the only home she's ever known and moved around seven times, to no fault of her own, she has remained hopeful of the life she plans to have. She hopes to become an Anthropologist. She is very involved in ROTC at her school.

The Wish Story

Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County requests this wish for Raven.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Raven! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Have a magical evening, you absolutely deserve it :) "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County for Raven.

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