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Ride On truck for Kaleah to create memories in her new home

Posted Mar 4, 2025
Kaleah used to love going on rides with her mom, and those moments created a strong bond between them, along with her brother. She has missed that part of her life and would love to relive it. The memories of cruising around the parks and neighborhoods with her mom are some of her best, so getting a Power Wheels Ride-On truck would allow her to create new memories while remembering those cherished times. Kaleah enjoys being outdoors, so having something to play on and enjoy outside in her new home would be a wonderful blessing.

Kaleah is 7 years old and lives in MO

Kaleah is a confident little girl who loves to take charge and always wants to be the boss. She is creative and enjoys drawing and making slime. Kaleah is a sweet girl who loves to have conversations about anything and everything. She has experienced the trauma of losing her mother, who she was very close to, and she misses her dearly. Kaleah is currently working with her caregivers to heal from that loss.