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Ride-on tractor for Kayson to drive around outside

Posted Mar 5, 2025
Kayson loves going for rides; it was one of the activities he enjoyed with his mom and big sister before losing his mother and moving to a new home. He has a deep passion for tractors and dreams of having one of his own. As the weather warms up, Kayson enjoys spending time outdoors with his sister, and this gift would provide him with the opportunity to ride around the parks and the neighborhood. Giving him this gift would help him reconnect with a part of his life that he has been missing since the move.

Kayson is 2 years old and lives in MO

Kayson is an exceptionally bright boy who is adventurous and loves to have fun. He is fascinated with balls and is currently learning how to throw and kick them. Kayson enjoys being around other people and is happy to follow them as he seeks attention. He is inquisitive, eager to learn how things work and likes to ask questions. He enjoys watching others and trying to learn new skills. Currently, Kayson is in foster care after losing his mother, which has left him with some emotional trauma. Despite his young age, he is working on forming connections and bonds with his caregivers. He is extremely attached to his sister and loves her dearly. Kayson is a sweet child who is progressing with the typical milestones for his age.