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Video games for Nevayah's Switch to help her pass time

Posted Mar 6, 2025
Nevayah wishes for an Amazon gift card to select some video games for her Nintendo Switch. She has been thriving while living with her sister and aunt and is doing well in school. To celebrate her achievements, it would bring her great joy to have a treat that makes her feel special. Playing video games is her favorite pastime.

Nevayah is 18 years old and lives in AZ

Nevayah is a strong, witty, kind, and unselfish young woman who has spent the past few years in and out of care with her younger sister. Nevayah has learned to grow up quickly, having to be the caregiver to her younger sister. Nevayah and her sister now live with their cousin whom they've grown up with and share a strong bond. Nevayah seems a sense of relief and weight lifted off her shoulders knowing she and her sister are safe.