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Storage space for Isabella’s belongings

Posted Mar 10, 2025
Isabella shares her room with other residents at the shelter and needs more storage space. She wants to choose some bins on Amazon that match her room décor. This would help her keep her space organized. Isabella enjoys picking out items that reflect her personal style, but she is unsure about what exactly she is looking for and would like to have a variety of choices.

Isabella is 14 years old and lives in TX

Isabella, a sweet and gentle child, has recently been placed in a shelter. Although she is still shy and finding her footing in this new environment, she is always willing to help. To cope with her situation, she turns to her love for reading and journaling, which provide her with a sense of comfort and purpose. She came from a home with very little, and has never had much of her own. Despite her current challenges and years of neglect Isabella's kind nature shines through, making her a wonderful person to be around.