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A Ukulele for Charleeann to practice with at home

Posted Mar 14, 2025
Charleeann has been learning to play the ukulele and would love to have one of her own to practice with. She feels truly happy when she sings and has expressed that she would enjoy singing along while playing her favorite songs. Having an instrument to call her own would mean a lot to her. She particularly enjoys her weekly music class, where she is learning how to play the ukulele. Charleeann loves learning, and music is quickly becoming a new passion for her.

Charleeann is 12 years old and lives in CA

Charleeann is a resilient, kind, curious, and funny child. She has experienced several placements in a short period of time. Charleeann loves school and excels as a student. She has many talents, particularly an artistic flair. She especially enjoys her weekly music class, where she is learning to play the ukulele.