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A gift card to Amazon for some much needed new clothes and household items

Posted Jan 11, 2017
Maria would like to be able to purchase some household items, to make her new apartment a home. She will also be able to purchase some new clothes to expand her professional wear as she is about to graduate and hit the job market.

Maria is 31 years old and lives in CA

Maria is a former foster youth currently on her last year of getting her bachelor's in sociology. She would like to someday obtain a masters in social work and eventually become a social worker. Some of her hobbies include discovering new music and playing video games.

The Wish Story

UC Riverside Guardian Scholars - Riverside, CA request this wish for Maria.

One Simple Wish posts the wish on our website.

Lani grants the wish for Maria! Thanks Lani.

"Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! May God bless you in amazing ways and open up great opportunities for your future. I pray your post graduation job search will bless you with a wonderful place to work. Seek excellence in all you do, on big and small things. You will be noticed for your excellence! Shine your light and you will bless others also! Blessings, Lani D."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the UC Riverside Guardian Scholars - Riverside, CA for Maria.

The UC Riverside Guardian Scholars - Riverside, CA receives the wish!

Maria receives the gift from her case worker!

"In case we haven't said it enough...thank you for supporting One Simple Wish and our amazing kids!"

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