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The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A tropical pink Under Armor backpack for Leah that's getting ready for summer camp.

Posted May 29, 2017
Leah is getting ready for summer camp and realized she don't have a decent bag to pack her personal stuff in. She wishes for a tropical pink Under Armor backpack to use and will also use it for the fall school year.

Leah is 19 years old and lives in NC

Leah is a spunky young lady that lights up a room when she comes in. She is a friend to everyone and loves playing with the smaller kids and helping them out. She is a great help and treasure to her foster family and they adore her so much. She has made a great adjustment and hopes this is her forever home. One of her greatest traits is how generous she is, and she always has a smile for everyone.

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes - Wilkesboro, NC requests this wish for Leah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Tracy grants the wish for Leah! Thanks Tracy.

"Dear Leah Have a wonderful time at summer camp, we hope the new backpack comes in handy and you have lots of fun. Lots of love Tracy, Grant & Sophie Holder xxx"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes - Wilkesboro, NC for Leah.

The Foster Parent Association of Wilkes - Wilkesboro, NC receives the wish!

Tonya sent an update on the wish for Leah.

"Tracy, Leah is really loving her new backpack! Thank you so much for granting her wish and helping her out for the summer! She was so excited to receive it. Sending much gratitude and appreciation you way! "

Hope sent an update on the wish for Leah.

"Tracy, Thank you so much for granting this wish!! A thank you note from Leah will be on its way to you very soon! Thank you and we hope that you continue making wishes come true. "

Leah receives the gift from her case worker!

"In case we haven't said it enough...thank you for supporting One Simple Wish and our amazing kids!"

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