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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

African American Baby Alive Baby Go Bye Bye doll for Alia who would love to have a doll that looks "just like me"

Posted Oct 17, 2017
Alia was so excited to see a doll that looked just like her. She was even more excited to see that it could react to different items and sounds!

Alia is 12 years old and lives in DC

Alia is a smart and energetic young lady.

The Wish Story

Family and Medical Counseling Services - Washington, D.C. requests this wish for Alia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Anonymous grants the wish for Alia! Thanks Anonymous.

"I hope this doll brings you lots of happiness and fun! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Family and Medical Counseling Services - Washington, D.C. for Alia.

Lawanna sent an update on the wish for Alia.

"Thank you from the family of Alia as well as Family and Medical Counseling Service for making Alia's wish come true and your kindness to care. "

Family and Medical Counseling Services - Washington, D.C. receives the wish!

Alia receives the gift from Family and Medical Counseling Services - Washington, D.C.!

"Alexandra, Alia, her family and Family and Medical Counseling Service wants to thank you for granting her wish. Thank you, Lawanna , mcm"

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