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Therapeutic Riding Lessons for Dominic who is making major improvements

Posted Mar 20, 2018
Dominic has been engaged in therapeutic horseback riding for 5 months and continues to enjoy it. Dominic's riding lessons help him continue to build the skills he needs to continue to heal from his trauma, as well as work on the behaviors impacted by the trauma.Dominic enjoys attending the therapeutic horseback riding which helps him in many ways such as body strength, muscle tone, following directions, caring for animals, balance, physical and mental coordination. Dominic would be excited to know that he would be able to continue his therapeutic horseback riding since he looks forward to attending weekly.

Dominic is 14 years old and lives in NJ

Dominic is a sweet, charming, young boy with an infectious smile. He loves to play with Lego's, puzzles, reading, basketball, soccer, being outside, swimming, and horseback riding. Dominic has a sibling who was recently adopted.

The Wish Story

DCP&0P - Toms River, NJ 1 requests this wish for Dominic.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Marcy grants the wish for Dominic! Thanks Marcy.

"Hi Dominic: We heard you love horses - we do too! Horses always make us feel happier. They are so much fun to be around and such special animals. We hope you enjoy this gift and have lots of fun spending time with the horses! Give your favorite horse a hug from us! xoxoxoxo The Sinel Family"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the DCP&0P - Toms River, NJ 1 for Dominic.

DCP&0P - Toms River, NJ 1 receives the wish!

Dominic receives the gift from DCP&0P - Toms River, NJ 1!

"Thank you for your support!"

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