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A beautiful new dress for Denise to wear on adoption day

Posted Sep 5, 2018
Denise would love a new dress to wear on the day she is adopted! She would love to go to the store with her adoptive mother to pick out the perfect dress!

Denise is 22 years old and lives in NJ

Denise is a loving teen who loves to give back to others. Denise volunteers at her local animal shelter and collects clothes, food and other pet supplies for animals.

The Wish Story

Charity Kings Inc. requests this wish for Denise.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Brenna grants the wish for Denise! Thanks Brenna.

"Denise - congratulations on your adoption! I am so happy that you have found your forever family. May God Bless you on your journey and have a super fun time picking out a great dress :)! Brenna"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Charity Kings Inc. for Denise.

Charity Kings Inc. receives the wish!

Denise receives the gift from Charity Kings Inc. !

"Thank you for donating a pretty dress for Denise's adoption day. She looked so beautiful with her new mom"

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