An iPad for Matthew-Joseph to use as an Augmentative Communication Device outside of school
Posted Apr 30, 2019
Matthew is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and he is non-verbal. Because he is largely unable to communicate his feelings and needs, the impact on him socially, academically, and behaviorally is immense. Earlier this school year, his family was able to successfully advocate for his school to provide an iPad which he can use during the day as an augmentative communication device. Because of this, he is doing better academically and behaviorally at school than he ever has. As the school is utilizing an iPad, most of the applications he has become familiar with are available on other devices. The family has tried several avenues in order to obtain an iPad, but have been unsuccessful thus far. Due to the needs of Matthew and his siblings, only his father is able to work and the family is otherwise unable to afford to purchase one. if his wish is granted, he would be elated to be able to communicate with his family and enhance his ability to interact with same-age peers which will additionally help him work on improving his self-esteem. The positive impacts on his daily life would be nothing short of incredible.
Capitol County Children's Collaborative requests this wish for Matthew-Joseph.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Clear May grants the wish for Matthew-Joseph! Thanks Clear May.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Capitol County Children's Collaborative for Matthew-Joseph.
Matthew-Joseph receives the wish from Capitol County Children's Collaborative