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A Laptop for Todd who is working hard on his Non Profit

Posted Jul 22, 2019
Todd is very passionate about helping people. He has recently started his own Non Profit to help his LGBT Community. Having a laptop will help Todd in his adventures as well as give him peace of mind that simple tasks won't take as long as they do using a phone. He can grow his nonprofit more easily with the use of a laptop

Todd is 22 years old and lives in OH

From Todd: "I am a foster kid since I was 8 1/2 years old. My main goal in life is to be an attorney to help people in need no matter the cost and and need it is required. My biggest accomplishment in my life currently is me finally letting go of my past and letting people in and trusting them, it’s a work in progress. Here are some things that make me unique, one being that I am upper passionate about helping people. I am in the works of creating a nonprofit for LGBT youth in our small rural community. I am just not what you would call the average teen, I don't like to play video games or sports but I have had to become an adult at a very young age."

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Account grants the wish for Todd! Thanks *OSW Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Purple Project for Todd.

Todd receives the wish from The Purple Project

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