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A Magical Trip to Disney for Julia and her son to enjoy together

Posted Sep 23, 2019
Julia is a hardworking mom who barely has any extra funds to do fun things with her son. They go to the park and playground a lot, because it is free, but sometimes it can be boring and very routine. Julia would love to be able to take her son to Disneyland for the day to show him the most magical place on earth!

Julia is 33 years old and lives in CA

From Julia: "I am 27 years old and passionate about empowering my community. Since I was 14, I have worked in Foster Youth Advocacy with California Youth Connection, then as a Youth Partner teaching life skills to transitional aged youth. I am now falling in love with wellness and the impact it has on a youths diet and mental health. my long term goal is to educate as many people as possible on this."

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Account grants the wish for Julia! Thanks *OSW Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Purple Project for Julia.

Julia receives the wish from The Purple Project

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