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A Video Game Hoodie to keep Jessy warm at school

Posted Nov 5, 2019
Jessy wishes for a new over sized video game hoodie to wear to school! This will keep her warm and comfortable. She enjoys putting her hands in the pockets of a hoodie and wearing the hood when she feels anxious. A new hoodie will give her a comfortable place to retreat.

Jessy is 20 years old and lives in NC

Jessy is a vivacious young lady with an infectious spirit. Always on the go, she relishes every opportunity to have fun and share laughter with those around her. With her bubbly personality, it’s no wonder she’s a friend to everyone she meets. Since being placed in a foster home that truly cares about her as an individual, Jessy has adjusted remarkably well. She’s been putting in a lot of effort at school, and things are finally starting to smooth out for her. Jessy has a fondness for the color green and is thrilled to be enjoying the company of a new pet, adding even more joy to her lively life.

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes requests this wish for Jessy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jessy! Thanks Awesome Human.

"My kids love hoodies, and so do I! I hope you find a comfy, warm one! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes for Jessy.

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes receives the wish!

Jessy receives the gift from Foster Parent Association of Wilkes!

"What and awesome Hoodie! Thank you so much for sending this great gift to Jessy she is gonna Iove it! It’s wrapped and delivered for her; and she really is super excited for Christmas. Thanks for making a difference for her. "

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