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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Helping Antonio with food

Posted Apr 14, 2020
Antonio is currently unable to work because of the COVID-19 situation. He is staying with a church friend because he couldn't afford his rent. Antonio doesn't have money to buy food or meet his basic needs.

Antonio is 28 years old and lives in TX

Antonio is an amazing young man who is currently living with people from his church because he was relocated due to COVID-19. Despite not having money to pay rent or buy food, Antonio is working on getting enrolled at a local college. Antonio is a true example of resilient young man who doesn’t give up despite the challenges he’s faced.

The Wish Story

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley requests this wish for Antonio.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

COVID-19 grants the wish for Antonio! Thanks COVID-19.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley for Antonio.

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley receives the wish!

Antonio receives the gift from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley!

"Thank you for the Target Gift Card! Antonio will now be able to buy food and have one less burden preventing him from not having food to eat. Your donation is greatly appreciated. "

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