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A Pikler Triangle to help Roster with his in home therapies

Posted Jun 2, 2020
Roster receives physical therapy twice a week and occupational once a week. He is currently unable to walk. Because of COVID-19, many of the toys and tools his therapists have to help him learn to walk are unable to be brought into his home due to fear of spreading the virus. If he were to have the Pikler, it would help with his therapy sessions, allowing them to work on his large motor skills as well as his cognitive skills. It would also allow his caregiver to continue working with him in between therapy sessions.

Roster is 6 years old and lives in TX

Roster is a twin who loves climbing, music, and playing outside. He tries to keep up with his twin brother Lewis, who is already walking, but Roster is still unable to walk. Roster loves to eat and when not social distancing, he loves to accompany his caregivers to the grocery store. Roster also likes to look at picture books and watch a few cartoons.

The Wish Story

Department of Family and Protective Services requests this wish for Roster.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Experience Wish Fund grants the wish for Roster! Thanks Experience Wish Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Family and Protective Services for Roster.

Department of Family and Protective Services receives the wish!

Roster receives the gift from Department of Family and Protective Services!

"Thank you so much for fulfilling Roster's Wish! It arrived on Saturday to his foster home and they got it set up and he loved it!"

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