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A New Soccer Ball for Lucas who needs to practice before soccer starts in the fall

Posted Jun 3, 2020
Lucas loves to be outside and loves sports. He played on the Unified Basketball team this winter at his school and is excited to play Unified Soccer in the fall. He needs a new soccer ball to practice his skills over the summer!

Lucas is 16 years old and lives in ME

Lucas is a happy and loving boy who lives in foster care with his older brother. He is very active and enjoys playing sports. Recently, he joined Unified Basketball and is looking forward to trying Unified Soccer. Lucas also loves activities such as swimming, playing with Lego's, and playing board games with his family.

The Wish Story

Woodfords Family Services requests this wish for Lucas.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Matthew grants the wish for Lucas! Thanks Matthew.

"Have fun playing soccer! - Matt"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Woodfords Family Services for Lucas.

Lucas receives the gift from Woodfords Family Services!

"Lucas says, "thank you for getting my legs ready to play!""

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